Dataset ID
LifePlan 01
Short Name
LifePlan Camera traps
The LifePlan project was established to make a worldwide inventory of biodiversity (soil fungi; airborne spores and pollen, flying arthropods, birds, bats, and mammals), using standardised protocols in natural and anthropogenically modified (urban) environments. To represent the Atlantic forest domain, a ca. 1 ha sampling plot was established in a mixed broadleaved - coniferous evergreen montane rain forest in November 2021 in the 'Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão', Brazil within the scope of the LifePlan project. The sampling plot has five camera traps placed, one near the centre of the plot and one at each corner.
The data collected will supply information on mammal diversity and habitat use locally in the PECJ and will contribute to a global assessment of biodiversity within the scope of the LifePlan project.
The camera traps are motion triggered day and night, using a passive infrared sensor and are set to operate continuously. The images are recorded on SD cards and data are collected every 7 days and transferred onto a HD, and later to the LifePlan server. The collection period is one complete calendar year at a time (2022, 2024). In alternate years (2023, 2025) data collection is made on an urban property.

For details on deployment, weekly sampling and maintenance see:
Quality Assurance
Cameras and camera settings are checked weekly. The field technician reports irregularities to the local project leader and logs the observations at each collection in the LifePlan system.
Camera traps: new custom model "4.0C" from Wildlife Monitoring Solutions. The camera traps are motion triggered day and night using a passive infrared sensor and are set to operate continuously.
Additional equip­ment provided by the LifePlan project: cable ties, Python cable, batteries, battery charger, SD cards, memory card reader, external hard drive.

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